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ფასდაკლება!IGI by Jemal Karchkhadze

Jemal Karchkhadze


25.00 ლარი

ISBN 978-9941-452-81-9
Size: 13.5X18 sm.
Pages: 88
Hard Cover

In Stock – 15 available


Translated from the Georgian by PJ Hillery


Jemal Karchkhadze (1936-1998), Georgian writer. He is the author of six novels and numerous short stories. Jemal Karchkhadze’s first published works were embraced by the public, but met with harsh criticism from the Soviet censorship of the time. He nonetheless continued to write and regularly published his nonconformist works.

Igi is a modern bestseller novella by Jemal Karchkhadze. The story is a unique reconstruction of the prehistoric era, depicting the perception, contemplation, and inspiration of the first humans. The story is interwoven with the eternal theme of the individual versus society and the individual. Written in short, archaic stream of thought, this beautiful novella is an intellectual-aesthetic gem of modern Georgian literature.


Jemal Karchkhadze